P0031---Front HO2S low/open
P0032---Front HO2S shorted/high
P0051---Rear HO2S low/open
P0052---Rear HO2S shorted/high
P0072---AAT sensor low
P0073---AAT sensor high/open
P0107---MAP sensor failed low/open
P0107---Map Sensor Open/Low
P0108---MAP sensor failed high/open port
P0112---IAT Voltage Low
P0113---IAT Voltage Open/High
P0117---ET Sensor Low
P0118---ET Sensor High
P0120---TPS1 Range Error
P0122---TPS1 Low
P0123---TPS2 High/Open
P0131---Front Oxygen Sensor Low / Engine Lean
P0132---Front Oxygen Sensor High / Engine Rich
P0134---Front Oxygen Sensor Inactive
P0151---Rear Oxygen Sensor Low / Engine Lean
P0152---Rear Oxygen Sensor High / Engine Rich
P0154---Rear Oxygen Sensor Inactive
P0220---TPS2 Range Error
P0222---TPS2 Low/Open
P0223---TPS2 High/Open
P0261---Front Injector Open/Low
P0262---Front Injector High
P0263---Rear Injector Open/Low
P0264---Rear Injector High
P0265---Rear injector shorted high
P0371---CKP sensor wrong number of pulses
P0373---CKP Sensor Intermittent
P0374---CKP Sensor Synch Error
P0444---Purge Solenoid Open/Low
P0445---Purge Solenoid High
P0501---VSS Sensor Low
P0502---VSS Sensor High/Open
P0503---VSS failed high
P0505---Idle speed control unstable
P0562---Battery/ECM Voltage Low
P0563---Battery/ECM Voltage High
P0572---Brake Switch Low
P0577---Cruise Control Input High
P0603---ECM EEPROM Memory Error
P0605---ECM FLASH Memory Error
P0641---5 Volt Reference 1 Out of Range
P0651---5 Volt Reference 2 Out of Range
P0691---Fan/cooling relay output low/open
P0692---Fan/cooling relay output high
P1001---System Relay Coil Open/Low
P1002---System Relay Coil High/Shorted
P1003---System relay contacts open
P1004---System Relay Contacts Closed
P1009---VTD Disabled Fuel Due to Incorrect Password
P1010---Missing Password
P1017---ET indicates overheating
P1019---ECT Difference (high temp)
P1270---TGS 2 A/D Validation Error
P1351---Front Ignition Coil Driver Open/Low
P1352---Front Ignition Coil Driver High/Shorted
P1353---Front Cylinder No Combustion
P1354---Rear Ignition Coil Driver Open/Low
P1355---Rear Ignition Coil Driver High/Shorted
P1356---Rear Cylinder No Combustion
P1357---Front Cylinder Combustion Intermittent
P1358---Rear Cylinder Combustion Intermittent
P1475---Exhaust Actuation Position Error
P1477---Exhaust Actuator Open/Low
P1478---Exhaust Actuator Shorted/High
P1501---Jiffy Stand Sensor Low
P1502---Jiffy Stand Sensor High
P1510---EFI Limited Performance Mode
P1511---EFI Power Management Mode
P1512---EFI Forced Idle Mode
P1514---ETC Air Flow Fault/Error
P1600---EFI Module Processor Internal Error/Watchdog Error
P1608---Loss of continuous battery
P1655---ACR solenoid low/open
P1656---ACR solenoid shorted high
P1691---Cooling fan left low/open
P1692---Cooling fan left shorted high
P1693---Cooling fan right low/open
P1694---Cooling fan right shorted high
P2100---EFI Motor Circuit Open
P2101---EFI Motor Circuit Range Performance (Actuation Error)
P2102---EFI Motor Circuit Low
P2103---EFI Motor Circuit High
P2105---EFI Forced engine shutdown
P2107---EFI Module Processor Internal Fault
P2119---EFI Motor Throttle Body Range Performance
P2122---TGS1 Low/Open
P2123---TGS1 High
P2127---TGS2 Low/Open
P2128---TGS2 High
P2135---TPS Correlation Error
P2138---TGS Correlation Error (Twist grip sensor)
P2176---EFI Closed Position Not Learned
P2184---ECT sensor low
P2185---ECT sensor high
P2300---Ignition coil driver low/open (front)
P2301---Ignition coil driver shorted high (front)
P2303---Ignition coil driver low/open (rear)
P2304---Ignition coil driver shorted high (rear)